Cruise Ship Cabins – What Should You Buy? Part One: The Interior Cabin

It’s something I’ve never really thought about before, but it’s a question I ask 99% of my customers when they initially enquire with me.

Funnily enough I probably sell a fairly even split between the three main types of cabin, inside, oceanview and balcony.Of course there are suites and other niche grades but lets focus on the main three for now eh!

You see there are three types of cabin, but there are also three types of cruise ship, and to add even more complexity, three types of customer too!

So who buys what? Hopefully by the end of this blog series you should know what you’re buying, and more importantly, what I’m selling!

OK, so let’s start with the humble interior or inside cabin.

The economical choice right?


But inside cabins should not just be viewed as ‘cheap cabins’.

One comment I loathe is when my clients say, ‘Oh I’ll just go inside’

Just inside?

Just inside……on a luxury cruise ship.

Let’s not tarnish the interior cabin with the word ‘cheap’ shall we.

Most mere mortals would be happy to take their sleeping bag and camp out in the life boat to get on a luxury cruise ship. But the cruiser lets not forget, is an elitist person by association. A discerning traveller. Someone who likes the finer things in life.

Can you be a cruiser and a fan of the inside cabin, whilst still being a classy little sausage? Of course you can!

I have many a client nowadays who would genuinely choose inside over balcony!

Why you ask?

The main reason, and it’s the most precious of all human activities, something that is horrifically underrated as I have recently found out!

S L E E P ! ! !


Yes the darkness in the interior cabin is a fantastic contributor to a brilliant nights kip!

So next time someone says, oooh no those inside cabins are dark and dingy, do not listen them. I think cosy and peaceful. Bosh! Sold it to you haven’t I?! And probably done myself out of a decent balcony commission too!

Oh well there’s always next cruise!!

But other benefits are strong with the inside cabin too, of course price is a massive factor when buying an inside room.

They tend to be in some cases half the price of the ever popular balcony room, which means the cruiser can save money buying the holiday, and spending more money on board – great for the cruise line of course, but better for the guest too, in that they will spend less time in the cabin, and more time enjoying themselves, be it on the ship, or in port. Plus it could be the difference between taking two and three cruises a year – win win!

Another cracking benefit of an inside cabin can be – when planned carefully – the location on the ship…..

Where do you fancy? Midship, high deck? No problem!

Yes the great thing about interior cabins on most ships, is that they are scattered across most decks, front to back, back to front, top to bottom, left to right, blah blah etc etc – You get the picture!

But what this means is that you can quite literally choose where you want to be – and everyone loves choice right?

Personally I tend to go for rear of the ship since it’s closer to the food, which is a big thing for me, it’s no secret I am something of a greedy guts on holiday! But I have friends and clients that like to go to the front of the ship near the gym. Nutters I know but there you go. My point is there is certainly a brilliant bit of choice here.

So there you have it! The beginners guide to the interior cabin!

Hopefully this has either persuaded, or dissuaded you. This won’t tick the boxes for everyone.

What I do know is you are reading this blog, therefore interested in cruising! So perhaps give me a call sometime!

Next time, we take a honest look at the oceanview, or outside cabin…………so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and as always, until next time…………



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Hi Cruise Fans, my name is Freddie! If you want to talk to someone that has a vast amount of experience and won't give you the hard sell then I'm your man. 13 years in this industry has taught me that most of the time, the customer knows your job…

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