School Holidays

I have seen in the paper this week about a couple being took to court for taking there kids out of school and have been fined.

Now I don’t have kids but I have a niece who’s 6 and to be quite honesty I would take my child out of school. Now if I did have a child and she was off school a lot then I can understand the school/ government clamping down on this but when your child has a good attendance all year then what’s one/two weeks off school.

We all know the prices in school holidays nearly double in price but why is this? yes we know its so companies can make more money, but do people eat more do we drink more just because it’s the school holidays NO.

I believe that if your child is sitting there exam’s then I believe no parent would take them out of school but at the age of my niece what would she really miss that we couldn’t do on holiday and wouldn’t she learn more about different country’s and the different way of living being away. I believe she would.

Now does the government fine the teachers when they have teacher training days NO so why is it  ok for your child to miss that time off school. Why do the kids have 6 weeks off in the summer if there education is so important. when parents work they only get maybe 5 weeks off work and depending on where you work it might not be possible to have time off in the school holidays so if you do work for a company like this is it fair that your child go’s without a holiday just because the government will fine you?

Now the shops have started to change things like at Christmas you buy your presents  for people then by boxing day the sale’s have started and everything is half price, but they have changed this by starting the sales before Christmas which is a really good idea. so why can’t holiday companies do the same and reduce there prices to let family’s  afford to take there children away.

What are your thoughts on this do you agree with the schools/government?

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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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