Trevor Cruises

That’s me off- it’s been fun.

Did I get your attention?

I’m not leaving, just moving house, moving counties, moving schools, moving…..

As you read this I am currently breaking my back.

So, after months of very slow activity in a chain of someone buying mine, me buying someone elses and that’s it on Friday the solicitor called to say, exchanged, you are moving next Wednesday 18th Sept, jeez.

Fortunately, I had gambled on all going through and had got my kids a place in a new school which we visited last week so this Friday it is goodbye to all their friends 🙁 But hello to lots of new friends 🙂

So, from Friday afternoon it has been packing, ordering hire vans, arranging help with friends, doing 2 shifts at work, getting in touch with the utility providers, broadband provider, bank, pension company, insurance companies, honestly, it is hard work. I finished work on Monday and had a good run at it.

And just to add to the mix of packing and arranging and everything else we fly out on holiday on Sunday, not sure if it will be good timing for the rest or bad timing as i need to focus on the move and settling in, whatever way I look at it there is not much I can do, but enjoy the whole experience.

Again, no cruise holiday, this is an All-Inclusive holiday in Turkey, sun, sea and very good water parks in the hotel. I may lose some pounds during the move but I intend to put them back on with interest on holiday.

So my next blog to you will be from my new home, from my office, my own office, at last, I can not wait for the space, freedom and privacy.



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