Be Onboard with Betsy

Cruise captains banned from shaking guests’ hands

I have just been reading a really interesting article in the paper that Cruise captains are being banned from shaking hands !!
Does that mean the captain wont great the guests ? Will this change the formal night? Will we lose another part of traditional cruising ?

For me it doesn’t really bother me although I know some of my family and my customers this would be disapointing news. Im thinking back to a cruise I went on recently and the captain was telling people he had a bad arm and he wasn’t shaking hands i’m wondering now was this really the case ??

So some cruise lines have already started this preventing their captains from giving handshakes for hygiene reasons while another asks them to “fist bump” passengers instead.
Stepping on board a huge cruise ship is exciting, so much so that cruise lines hold meet and greet sessions for passengers wanting to get to know the captain in charge.
While nearly every cruise line holds meet and great sessions for passengers wanting to get to know the Man (or lady ) in charge they are now worried that fear of stomach bugs like the norovirus spreading has scared some into the banning of hand shaking. Guests are now being asked to not get to close to the captain , shaking hands or cheek pecks either .

According to the article Cunard have signs up forbidding such contact . Azamara have adopted the alternative greeting of fist bump which is where they touch knuckles Very Hip Hop
Crystal cruises are another line that have banned the handshake for hygiene reasons
The good news is that they are still allowed to stand with you to have your photo taken .

What do you think ? Will this change another tradition of cruising ??

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