We all need a bit of Luxury…….

NEW – ULTRA LUXURY SHORT BREAK CRUISES ! Have you always wanted to try one of the six-star cruises, but thought it was beyond your budget or maybe not quite up your street, if so why not take advantage of one of Silverseas short break cruises.  They are now offering cruises from 4 – 7 […]

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A challenging week……….

I love it when after a few days of working hard on an enquiry you have managed to find the right cruise that you know tick all the right boxes.  It gives me great satisfaction.  This is what is so great about my job.  Obviously I pick up calls where clients have done their own research and […]

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Sick of soggy Santa………

Yet another Christmas is a distant memory….. and what a wash out it was.  No I don’t mean my Christmas was a wash out, infact I had a great time with my family, I am talking about the weather.  Was you one of the affected by the floods?? Weather has been a massive topic of conversation […]

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Sample a super Silversea sailing at silly fares!!

AMAZING VALUE 6 STAR LUXURY ALL-INCLUSIVE CRUISING Silversea have just announced two NEW sailings for 2013 with fares starting from £1350 per person. Six star all inclusive luxury cruising, remember with Silversea they include drinks, gratuities, butler service, complimentary in suite bar, all suite accommodation Relais and Chateau dining. 19th November 2013 Rome to Malaga – 7 […]

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Party celebrations……

Thought I would share a personal blog today, my sister-in-law celebrated her 18th birthday last week.  Makes me feel so old as I remember the day she was born.  She has always been a very important person in my life and it is so nice to see how she has grown into a beautiful young lady.  We […]

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In memory of Drew……

As you are all aware from my previous blogs myself and some of my work colleagues and Managers at  Cruise are running the Birmingham half marathon on the 21st October 2012.  We have all trained really hard over the past couple of months and are all feeling very proud of ourselves, especially those people that had never run before. As I […]

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Birmingham half marathon

As you may already know there are a few of us in the office that are participating in the Birmingham Half Marathon on the 21st October. Training is well and truly under way and so far all is going well. Just before my holiday I did pick up an injury but after a couple of […]

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Back in the office…..

I am now back in the office after having 2 weeks off. I had a great holiday, very hot and sunny with plenty of family time, just what I needed. We arrived back home on Tuesday evening and the following day my children were back to school, so I had to be really organised before […]

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My Summer holiday

At last it’s my turn to go on holiday……. Just to let you know I am out of the office now until Wednesday 5th September 2012.  I am going to Spain for 2 weeks with the family, plenty of sunshine, swimming,, eating, drinking and most importantly plenty of fun.  if you have any urgent enquiries […]

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Infant prices……

I have always been surprised at how the majority of Cruise Companies don’t offer infants to travel free, you have to ask the question what are they paying for?  The children’s clubs do not start until they are 2 or 3, and they don’t require a great deal at meal times.  I understand that they have to pay […]

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