Westy's Waves

Another challenge completed….

This time it was the 10k Timberhonger race.


This year is the 15th year running of the Timberhonger, so called as most of the route is on Timberhonger Lane (which believe me is extremely hilly).  It is traditionally part of Bromsgrove Carnival where all profits are donated to charity.


It is a very beautiful picturesque route, but also very challenging as there are a number of testing hills, then adding extremely sunny conditions I certainly found it hard.  The atmosphere though is fantastic and I would definitely do it again.  Children can also take part in the event with a shorter version, it was great to see so many children taking part.


The best bit for me was at the finish line where we were met with a nice cold beer…. Lush!!


I have to admit though I was really pleased with my time of an hour, considering I struggled with the heat the time really isn’t bad.

I am now looking for my next challenge, I admit though I do prefer my challenges in the winter, I am not the greatest runner in the sun! I would love to do the Wolf Run again, but then I always like to try new and different challenges.


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