Finally!!! Introducing Anthem of the Seas

Royal Caribbean “FUN, MODERN and INNOVATIVE!” Couldn’t put it better myself, but more so now after the Arrival of their newest fleet member Anthem of the seas. After years of planning, designing, building and anticipation she finally arrived at her new home in Southampton and the buzz in the cruise world has been unreal. So this week once again got one of the first looks at this new masterpiece.

Now after spending some time last year with Anthems slightly older sister Quantum of the seas, I really could not imagine how they could possibly improve it, but it seems I was wrong.




anthem infographic

So what stands out to give Anthem the WOW factor?

What is 32 meters tall, weighs 4 tons (the equivalent to 3 mini coopers) and is made up of 15 Individual pieces?

GIGI THE GIRAFFE!!!!! Affectionately named by the ships crew, the lanky sculpture has pride of place up on the top deck, wearing a bright pink inner tube and yellow swimsuit. Anyone else think every cruise liner should add their own Gigi?


The Heart of the Ship, The Heart Rate Chandelier. This is a centre piece with a extraordinary twist.



It may look like a modern Chandelier, but this beautiful piece of art is simply amazing as it can mimic your heartbeat.


By place your hands on this sensor, the device senses and saves the rhythm of your heart beat which then gets released throughout the 200 lights in the chandelier which each in turn dance to your own unique light show. Once you remove your hands the magic doesn’t stop, as the sensor then remembers your rhythm then adds it to all the other heart beats patterns it has taken during the cruise and turn not in use combines the heart beats into a amazing light ambiance. Now that is truly amazing.

“WE WILL ROCK YOU ” One of the highlights my colleagues have all been star struck by is the Royal Theatres Broadway Production of We will Rock you . This two hour performance has been once again compared to the London’s West End Hit.  This was my exact reaction to Mama Mia on Quantum last year so I can believe the standards have been mirrored throughout the class.

Kerry Cansdale's photo.

Innovations Galore! When the Quantum class ships were announced we knew that they were going to be the cruise ships of the future. With technology like no other. Here is  just a small taste of what you can expect.


Wowbands- Gone are the days of Carrying cards, keys and account details everything you need for your cruise is all in this band ready to go.


Robobar – Seeing is believing. simply put your drink order into the Ipad station, scan your wowband and let the metal arms do their thing.


North Star- 36o Revolving capsule high above sea level giving you an un-missable view.


The list really is endless and I could spend all day telling you how much I love this class of ship but surely you want to see if for yourselves. So if you have any questions about the Anthem or Quantum of the seas, if you would like prices and availability you can call me directly on 0330 303 8260 or email me at [email protected]. I will be happy to talk your ear off all day long about these two amazing ships


Marie x


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About Me

This is me, Marie Turner. I live in the Beautiful Garden of England that is Kent, with my husband Ben and 3 daughters Megan, Abigail and Ruby. I have been working within the travel industry for the past 20 years, enjoying seeing the world with my young family . I love…

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