Trudy Truly Loves Cruise

Would you pay to reserve a Sun Lounger on your holiday??

Almost all of us have probably experienced having to get up at the crack of dawn on holiday to ensure we go a sun lounger by the pool, but would you pay £22 to ensure you had them reserved for your holiday?? I can’t decide on this one and after working in travel for many years this does still come as a surprise to me!

Thomas Cook have announced this week that in some of their hotels they are going to give clients the chance to pay £22 to reserved there sun loungers before they even go on holiday and calling it – ‘Choose your favorite sun bed’. What i was also surprised by was that this is a service that has been available to German holiday makers for several years now.

Travel companies receive lots of complaints from clients who cannot find free sunbeds on holiday or have to get up very early and que to get one where they want it. Take a look at the You Tube clip which shows people queuing early in the morning and having to dash to get the lounger where they want.

Thomas Cook will be trialing this in three hotels to begin with and then rolling it out to thirty hotels by the summer, only 20% of sun loungers will be available to pre book, which will leave the rest for people to get once they get there if they do not wish to pay to book before hand.

This service will be available around six days before departure and you will be able to even look at a plan of the pool area and also a compass showing where the sun will be at different times of the say.

It makes me wonder if this will be something that cruise lines may introduce in the future too??

Do you think it is a good idea and would you pay the fee to ensure you got a good spot and reserved sun loungers for your holiday or cruise? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Trudy x

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