Trevor Cruises

Smoking on a Cruise Ship, part 2

No Smoking

Last month I did an article about being able to smoke on a cruise ship, or in most cases not being able to without strict guidelines, you can read it by clicking here. There was over 173 comments on here, all with strong views for or against the smoking policy of cruise lines.

Well just a week or so later a big story came out about a sick passenger being kicked off a cruise ship for breaking these rules, an offence considered by those in charge as a serious breach of ship policy, the full story you can click on below.

Personally I am not too sure why everyone that defended the offender did so, it was reported that this passenger was or had been suffering from cancer, perhaps this was why he was defended, a sympathy vote maybe. But rules are rules and there are strict guidelines.

I don’t like to see motorists chucking out their finished fags into the road, I view that as littering so first things first for me, why feel it ok to throw out to sea? Because the ocean is so big it won’t matter? Because no one will see you do it? This question I believe was never raised with the passenger, i feel it should, I would have loved to have known his reason.

The main issue with throwing cigarettes overboard is the risk of it being sucked back into the ship, far fetched issues but risks are that it could have been sucked into a cabin causing a fire, the engine room!, back onto deck, imagine a pushchair parked up with a baby inside and along comes a lit gig, as I said far fetched but all possibilities.

Have a read of the story here and please let me know what you think.

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