Trevor Cruises

Hurricane Irma- What to do next?

“Dreams come true”, “holiday of a lifetime”, “Bucketlist trip”, just a few statements to describe a cruise holiday to the Caribbean.

So when the biggest Hurricane in (recorded) history decides to join in what do you do?

During the hurricane all cruise ships took obvious action and diverted away, on many occasions having to cancel planned ports of call.

But that was/ is not the end to it, as ships finally complete their itinerary and arrive back to their final destination many passengers and crew are faced with mayhem. Damaged ports, damaged roads, damaged buildings, damaged airports and thousands of holiday makers making their way to the airports for an early flight home, or like many a delayed flight.

From what I read the travel industry has really pulled together well to help those stranded, affected or due to fly out. Airlines are cancelling flights free of charge, hotels giving full refunds and cruise lines completing their full durations but still offering refunds and huge discounts off future cruises.

I have a few friends who are on their way home from Florida and Cuba, they flew out voluntarily to help holiday makers get alternative accommodations, rescheduled flights and organise little things like cars being parked at airports over their paid duration. Reading their Facebook posts it is very clear they were not there for the fun and sun and actually cried with relief when told their flight home and back to their families was the following day.

As much as this is a dreadful thing to happen to all those holiday makers on trips that have cost thousands of pounds and years of planning it must be remembered that they will all have safe living conditions to go back home to, there are millions of people, including very young children that are now living in squalor, just days after living in paradise.

If you want to know more about what the cruise lines are now doing please click here .


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