The Life Of A Cruise Agent

School holiday fines , should we fine the schools ?

Well this is bound to stir up a hornets nest and everyone will have an opinion. When did this all start anyway ? and why ? Is it just another money for jam attitude that we get with so many things these days.

I have a six year old grandson, and a bright little thing he is too! But I am very certain that if he missed the odd week from school he would not turn into a blubbering idiot overnight. My daughter and son-in-law are lucky to be able to take leave in the winter months and I am sure they would love to take advantage of the fantastic deals they can get, not just cruising either.

Although a deal we had for the end May with Princess cruises provoked this thought , its the week after half term but the weather would still be really good and such a great experience. Get the children away from technology and mixing with others, playing games, having a scavenger hunt for the 8-12 year old’s, letting their minds work in a totally different way, can this be bad for them, never.

So here is the gripe from this grumpy old lady, there are a number of breaks a year , one week in February , two in April . six-seven weeks in the summer, one in October and lastly two weeks at Christmas , I have calculated that roughly to 12 weeks during the year.

Then why , in the name of fairness, are teachers training days during term time ? Now before I get hate mail, I can understand it, sort of, but the parents then either have to take a precious day of leave for childcare or they have to pay some-one to mind the child.

I think the school should pay, there that’s out in the open, otherwise its double standards. We can fine you if the little darling’s do not come to school, but if we decide that after two days back into term we are going to close the whole school and you have to make alternative arrangements, that’s acceptable ?????? At your cost again ?????

No fair, enough said , what do you think ?

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