Brilliant Balmoral


12th December 2015 we all descended on the Balmoral for our annual Christmas conference and 3 nights of fun on the 70’s themed cruise.

What a great weekend , here are just some of the gang, relaxing in the bar. I have some more photos to upload, it just takes ages as they all have to be re-sized , and me not being the best techno in the world, this is very time consuming !!


On one of the days we were lucky enough to get a galley tour with the head chef (Dirk) and it was a real whirlwind as this is one very busy chappie.

All I can say if anyone gets sick on a Fred Olsen cruise , it is not down to the hygiene in the kitchens, once again very impressed with how clean everything was, Dirk told us food does not get reused , they do not even give it to the crew, it gets thrown.


Myself and Dirk

Myself and Dirk

While on board I watched people , other guests were on the same cruise, and on quite a few occasions I did sadly see people ignoring the hand cleanser which are at the entrance to every bar and restaurant, not quite as many as the Queen Mary, but enough that people could see them. This must be so frustrating for the crew when they have an outbreak of any type of virus, all the food has to be dished out by them as self help is a NO NO, it puts extra pressure on them and creates massive queues for food. We did not experience this on Balmoral, but in April last year I was on another ship and it did.

Then there were people in the queues moaning !!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????? I honestly believe its the passengers that cause it, not the ship, crew or any form of bad hygiene on the ships part. Moral of the story , use the cleansers people !!

Here are a few of the costumes, none of me , I will have to see if anyone has one (and burn it …lol)



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Born in Coventry in 1961 at Gulson Road Hospital, making me a true Coventarian!! I moved to South Africa at the tender age of 19 to live two years with my husband to "try it out" Way back then in 1981 the South African government kindly paid our fare. We…

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