Thompson's Dream Cruises

I’m expecting!!!

Most of you will know I already have two wonderful children, Aimee and Rafe.

They’re currently 9 (Aimee will be 10 in September) and 6.

But I’m about to join the difficulties of finding 5 berth cabins!  Baby number 3 is on it’s way!!

Baby is due around mid January (although we’re sure he or she will be late and will come on Rafe’s birthday on 20th January).

Being 35 means I’m classed as ‘higher risk’ due to my age (I’m not THAT old, am I??) but so far, so good.

I did suffer with horrendous nausea for the first 12 weeks but that seems to have settled a bit now and I’m feeling more alive than I was a couple of weeks ago.

We have another private scan on 5th August (a 4D one!) to find out whether it’s a boy or a girl so I’ll be sure to keep you all updated 🙂  We then have the NHS anomaly scan on 15th Aug where they’ll tell us the gender too so it’ll be interesting so see if we get told the same gender at both scans!  We can’t wait to start buying teeny, tiny baby clothes (it’s so hard to get nice gender neutral baby clothes nowadays!)

I had a homebirth with Rafe and hoping for the same again with this one – although hopefully it won’t be as big as Rafe was (9lb 13.5oz) but I’m thinking that’s wishful thinking as they tend to get bigger with each one (please tell me differently if you have experience of this!).

I’ll keep you all updated through this exciting time and please, throw your boys names at me as we’re struggling to think of any we REALLY like! We like something a bit different….  GO!


p.s. I’ll be around until mid Dec to look after you all and then you’ll be left in one of my colleagues very capable hands until I come back (which I will, I promise) 🙂

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