Royal Caribbean’s own Travel ban!

Some of you may not know this but Royal Caribbean have a ban in place that means if you hold a passport from one of the following countries, Iran, Sudan, North Korea and Syria you cannot board their ships. Now where have I heard some of these countries mentioned before? Ah yes President Donald Trump also would like to ban these nationals temporarily from entering the United States.

Has Donald Trump got shares in Royal Caribbean? He’s had his fingers in many pies over the years but it makes you wonder if Royal Caribbean is another? I’ll have to do some research into this and find out when this ban was implemented.
I’ve worked in travel a long time and genuinely didn’t know this. So, it does make you wonder, especially with all that is going on in America. To be fair to Trump this probably has nothing to do with him but coincidental for timing it just makes you think twice.

Are you from one of the countries above mentioned? Have you ever inquired about a cruise with Royal Caribbean and been rejected due to your nationality? I’ve never myself taken an inquiry from any of the named banned nationals and had to have that difficult conversation to tell them that they’re not allowed on Royal Caribbean ships. I’m actually quite shocked at this. I book customers from all around the world and have never come across this. I’d love to hear from Royal Caribbean and hear what they have to say on this and to what their reasons are for this ban. Obviously political. I wonder if Donald Trump has been on a Royal Caribbean ship?
I’d love to hear from you with your opinions on this ban and if you think it’s right or wrong or if anything to do with President Trump’s travel ban.


steve (002)

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I'm Steve, I've spent nearly Sixteen years in travel. Working for a big high street travel agent before moving to be a Cruise specialist homeworker. I've visited some amazing places through out the world. My personal favourite place has to be the United States of America. Having been no fewer…

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