Steve's Full Itinerary

Christmas is over and the Grotto is down

Well Christmas is finally over and I have taken down my Grotto already. I love Christmas and I just can’t believe how fast this year has gone. I’ve had a very busy year with a few ship visits and my own holidays. Two cruises and my usual Florida fix. Nothing else booked for next year with the exception of my wedding in October. In Florida, where else? I can’t afford a break before that so it will probably be the longest time I’ve gone without a break in between holidays.

Getting back to Christmas. I like to make an effort. Always inspired by movies like National Lampoons and Deck the Halls. I like to be our streets Christmas guy. A few of the houses make an effort and put up some awesome decorations and I believe every year the competition is getting more fierce. Some impressive stuff. So I wanted to show you all what I like to do. I build a Grotto outside my house.


Most of my decorations are also brought back from America.



I like to think I do a pretty good job. I get lots of people commenting and bringing their kids to see.


I hope all my customers have had a good Christmas and have a happy New Year and all the best for 2017


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