Steve's Full Itinerary

A week to go before I sail on the Ventura

I’m down to my last 7 sleeps and then I’m off for my first Cruise experience with P&O. Quite excited about it. Having cruised with the likes of Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Thomson cruises this will be I’m hoping something a bit different.


I do love Royal Caribbean, the fun style of the ship and the way the American’s do things just suits me. The Celebrity cruise was fantastic in Concierge class and Thomson has probably to date still been the best for its food and service. Though the fleet can’t compete with its rivals like the big ocean liners of Royal Caribbean and Celebrity. When I first got introduced to cruising I wasn’t at all fussed about the dining and was more than happy to go to the self-service and be casual rather than make an effort to dress up for the formal nights.


How things have changed. I’m more looking forward to this being as its very British being P&O and I plan to wear a suite every evening and to make the most of the table service and fine dining. The Navigator of the seas is still my favourite ship and I am a fan of the large ships. I never really noticed on board for my first cruise just how people make an effort or those who do not. Then it just stood out, when I decided I wanted to be a part of the formal evenings I saw how others look when they make no effort at all.

The American ships I think are most guilty of this as the Americans don’t make the effort like us Brits like to. For this reason I am excited about seeing the difference between a large British ship and a large American ship. I’m expecting to see a difference in how we do things and really can’t wait. I’ll be back here in a couple of weeks with my views on the Ventura and my dining experience. I know not everyone is that bothered about drssing up but apparently us British make a better effort so we will see if the Ventura is one of the P&O ships that does us proud.

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