Sam's Sea Stories

The cirrhosis of the seas.

I’ve written before about alcohol consumption on cruise ships, and last week I looked at the ever increasing number of cruise lines offering all inclusive drinks packages on board. It is for that reason I have to mention this week some quite frankly staggering statistics I came across regarding the sheer amount of booze passengers are consuming whilst on board a typical 7 night cruise.



A recent survey of almost 3,000 Britons undertaken by the website uncovered some incredible findings . Just to be clear I’m in no way judging those who form part of these statistics, I’ve been known to partake in the odd pint myself, but even I found the conclusions quite extraordinary.

According to the average passenger on a 7 night cruise holiday consumes 42 bottles of beer, 16 cocktails, 7 bottles of wine, 16 shots of whisky and 2 glasses of champagne.



That’s equivalent to 168 units of alcohol in one week! That equates to more than 8x the recommended allowance for men (21 units per week) and 12x the recommended allowance for women (14 units per week). Mediterranean cruises were found to be the booziest and the research showed that men and women were evenly matched when it came to the total amount drunk – shame on you girls for consuming 12x your weekly recommended allowance!

Also bear in mind as this an average it stands to reason that a number of people in this survey will be consuming much more than that. I wonder how much the shop charges for Paracetamol.



I speak to a lot of clients after they have returned from their respective cruises and get a lot of feedback both good and bad, now i’m wondering now how they even remember! I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this survey, most of us like to relax with a drink or two, some of us clearly with a dozen or two, but have you ever seen cruise passengers staggering around roaring drunk as this survey would suggest? Have you been in the company of people who have clearly had ‘one too many’ and has this impacted on the enjoyment of your cruise holiday experience.

Are you one of these people who will now attempt to beat the cruise holiday average of a mere 168 units of alcohol consumption in a week?

I’d love to know what you think.

Bye for now.


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