Sam's Sea Stories

Crack Open Those Piggy Banks – The Regent 2017 World Cruise Is Now On Sale From Only £36,299.

It’s been a while, six years in fact, but you’ll be glad to know Regent Seven Seas Cruises will once again offer a World Cruise in 2017. I’m sure you’ve all been itching to part with your hard earned cash so here is the perfect opportunity!

So if you have a space in your diary for a 128 night holiday, make your way to Miami for January 5, 2017 and embark the Seven Seas Navigator for a full world voyage.

After departing Miami, Seven Seas Navigator will cruise the Caribbean, out to the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal, sailing along the Baja coast before venturing to the islands of Hawaii, French Polynesia, American Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand, and the east and north coasts of Australia.

Owned by Regent Seven Seas Cruises, the 490 passenger Seven Seas Navigator docked at the pier in Cozumel, offer passengers large suites and balconies.

She will then traverse the Timor Sea en route to Indonesia before sailing across the Java Sea and Indian Ocean to Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar and India, across the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman to the United Arab Emirates, before cruising south along the coast to Oman, through the Gulf of Aden and into the Red Sea to call on Jordan, Israel and Egypt.

Seven Seas Navigator will then sail through the Suez Canal to Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, before taking the Messina Strait to Italy, Monaco, France and Spain. After cruising the Mediterranean and calling into Portugal and Madeira the Seven Seas Navigator will make the transatlantic voyage back to Miami.

Sounds like a great trip to me! Prices start from just £36,299 per person, you will of course have to add the cost of your flight to Miami but what’s another few hundred pounds when you’re spending £36K each!

Seriously though, I would like to hear your thoughts on holidays that cost this much. I suppose if you look at the nightly rate of approx £284 it’s pretty good value for money when you consider the quality and luxury on offer.

Would you spend this much on a holiday? (If so give me a call, I’ll be happy to arrange for you!) What’s the most you’ve ever paid or would pay?

I would love to hear your comments.

Bye for now.

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