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Increased security for cruisers???

With the recent events in Manchester this week it obviously makes us all think about the security around travelling and being in places where large groups of people gather. The perfect target for a cruise ship springs to mind. I recently took a short mini cruise on P&O Ventura and took great interest as to weather or not the security measures had increased since the last time I traveled from Southampton.

From a passengers perspective I can say I did not feel that there was any extra security at the Port, however we never really know what goes on behind the scenes. I’m sure there’s lots of intelligence being passed around to ensure cruisers are kept as safe as physically possible.

It does make me think though what measures could they further make at check-in & embarkation to ensure that passenger safety is at it’s peak. My opinion for all Airports, Cruise terminals, Stadium entrances, and large venues is to have manned scanners on all entrances to ensure no-one is entering with any device they should not have. I can’t see that this would be such a difficult proceedure to put in place. Yes of course more staff would be required to man the scanners and customers would need to allow for more time potential delays. Surely if we are all aware, we would all pull together to do what we have to, to keep safe. If it means getting to the airport/terminal an hour earlier I would be more than happy to do so knowing that my safety is paramount.

It’s all very well having armed guards and army walking the streets and manning the trains, but surely an easier solution would be to scan people prior to them entering the train stations, stadiums, and large venues.

What’s you opinion? What more do you think could be done to ensure passenger safety is at it’s highest level when it come to cruising?

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