Is security high enough?


We’ve all seen on the news about all the bombings, stabbings, people being murder from shootings it’s all that’s on our TV’s day and night, but is our security good or would a lot of the tings that have been happening not of happened if the security would have been better? the last plane to go down by a bomb was the plane from sharm to Russia all them people dying. if the security would have been better in the airports would this have happened? I can remember when it took nearly two hours at the airport to get to your gate with all the security that there was but no a days you can get through within 40mins is this the reason things are happening? We’ve all just seen on the news about the stabbing in the tube station in London and now there’s police on every tube station if they would have had this from the start then would this have happened? You have the couple in America shooting all them people if the laws would have been tighter on guns then would this have happened? In America Kinder eggs are banded for the toy in side them but guns aren’t anyone can have a gun think America need to re look at this as too many people are dying from no fault of there own.

Now Norwegian cruise line have just had a scare if there security was doing what it should have then 700 people wouldn’t have had to go through what they’ve been through today.

Passengers in Miami was ready to board the Ncl Sky but after 700 people embark  there then became a security alert as this was caused by a passenger  causing the entire boarding  to procedure to be delayed by seven hours.


The scare arouse after they boarded the ship without following the correct key card procedures. This meant that despite clearing the security checkpoint on the pier (swiping there key card) they failed to do when boarding the ship. this then triggered an alert which meant 700 passengers had to then get off the ship, now I know this wouldn’t have been nice for all passengers involved but I think I would prefer this to happen and I then know that I could board knowing that everything was fine and above board and nothing could happen while on board.


What are your thoughts on this would you like our security to tighten up or do you think things are fine as they are? please let me know your thoughts on this.


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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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