Round The World With Renee

Cruise Prices

Cruise prices are really good at the moment, P&O especially have had some fantastic prices  like the one on the 15/03/14 flying from the UK to Barbados and back from Malaga. But are cruise customer’s that have been on cruise for many years feeling like the standard of the cruise is going down due to that fact that there cheaper there not getting the service like they did before and are we now getting a different clientele due to the fact the cruise prices are much cheaper?

Now I’ve been having mixed re-views from customer’s on this, some saying that the service on cruise lines it not the same as it use to be and I’ve had some saying that the clientele that has been on is shocking, I had one customer tell me that there was a wedding party on her cruise that they did nothing but fight not just in the shouting fighting but actually fighting and the cruise line didn’t even remove them on the next port. Now would you really want to be on a cruise and a fight broke out? I know I wouldn’t.

Cruise many years ago used to be expensive but customer’s didn’t mind paying as the service they received on board was really worth the amount of money, but are cruise lines bringing the prices down too much that this isn’t the same anymore.

I would love to here your views on this, do you think the clientele is different now and do you think the service is as good as it used to be?

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