Back off maternity leave

I’m back off maternity leave after having 10 weeks off which have been the quickest 10 weeks of my life but I’ve enjoyed every minute of spending time with my baby, for those of you that don’t know I had a baby girl on the 26/06/15 at 9:22pm by c section her name is Lillie-Rose she weighed 7ib 15oz she is just beautiful but that is me being biased, she is so good a sleeps through the night. It’s been the hardest thing ever leaving her and coming back to work early but I know she’s in good hands as she is with her daddy.

I just look at it that I will get all the fun times with her, here is a photo of her for you to see.



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My Name is Renee. I am 35 years old and I live with my Partner Anthony. Here is a photo of us on holiday in Malta for our friends wedding and what a lovely day it was. I love travelling the world and have been to many destinations. If I'm not currently on my holidays…

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