Roaming Ruth's Travels

Alcohol ban at airports

Ryanair have recently called for a ban on early morning drinking in airports resulting in a ban or a limit of just 2 drinks before boarding a flight that departs up to 10am. I can’t understand why they would limit this to just early morning flights. Surely if heavy drinking is causing a problem it wouldn’t just be those on early morning flights. If anything I would imagine it would be less of a problem than those flights departing from lunchtime onwards.
I do understand why they are calling for this. I have read so many reports this year of stag and hen parties being so drunk they have caused offence to other passengers even risked the safety of everyone else. On several occasions they have been removed from the aircraft by security.
Everyone likes to enjoy themselves when they go on holiday and it doesn’t bother me if there are large groups on flights clearly having a good time. It did bother me however when I had my children with me and it got very rowdy with really bad language. It wasn’t necessary and made my kids feel very uncomfortable.
I like to enjoy a few drinks in the airport no matter what time of day my flight leaves. It gets the holiday off to a good start so I wouldn’t like to see a ban but that is never likely to happen.
Maybe Ryanair’s idea of having to scan your boarding pass every time you buy a drink would help reduce the problem. I think their limit of 2 drinks is a bit harsh but if they limited this to 4 drinks each they wouldn’t have the problems they are having now. However they can’t stop people drinking before they hit the airports so anyone on later flights can easily get round this anyway.
I don’t think they will ever put a stop to this and with airports standing to lose a lot of money in alcohol revenue I don’t think they will get their ban.
Even cruise ships are having their share now of stag and hen parties going off on short break booze cruises.
What are your thoughts ?
Have you ever had a bad experience on a flight or cruise ship ?

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