On Board With Alison

Baby News

On the same day as Harry and Meghan announced their happy news about their new arrival due next spring, my niece gave birth to a beautiful (and eye-watering rather large) baby boy.

With these little darlings being the hot topic of conversation, I thought it would be fitting to blog this week about taking infants on cruise ships. Yes, it is possible!

Most cruise lines will not carry a child under the age of six months. The reason for this is generally due the medical facilities on board not being adequate for those younger than that age. On some sailings, especially those which involve several continuous days at sea, the minimum age limit can be higher.

One other point to note, again due to the same reason, expectant passengers are not permitted to sail after they have entered their 24th week of pregnancy.

Once your child fits the required criteria, a cruise is a great way of travelling with a baby with baby food, cots, high chairs and other equipment usually available if requested in advance. Baby-sitting is generally available, sometimes at a charge, so parents can be free to enjoy a quiet dinner or a show.

If sailing from the UK, things get even easier as no flights involved and you can just load up the car and drive straight to the ship. Babies don’t tend to travel light so this can be a real help.

It is usually worth the extra cost to book a balcony cabin when travelling with a young child so that you can have somewhere to sit if your child is napping during the day or after they have gone to sleep at night time. It is also worth looking at ships that have launderettes especially on longer cruises as our little angels usually produce a lot of dirty washing.

If you want to know more, check out our guide at https://www.cruise.co.uk/guides/cruise-information-babies-onboard/ or give me a call.





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