Nicola's Ocean Views

Staying Safe Whilst On Holiday.

With the January blues just left us it is time to plan your next holiday. With all the media attention on various bugs on board some Cruise Ships, there are other areas of concern we should also look at. So whilst sanitising our hands on land and sea will help this problem here are a few other ideas to keep you safe.

We all take holidays to chill and have fun but a little forward planning will give us all peace of mind to achieve this.

Have a health check prior to departure, check for the required vaccinations and pack those all important tummy products. (yes those from Boots)

It is vital to have the correct insurance cover to protect you and your valuables, regardless of how long you are away for.

Convert some money into the local currency, some on a travel card a more protected and modern type of travellers cheque. Never carry all your money in one place or on your person. Divide it up into hidden compartments with your luggage. Shop around for the best exchange rates.

Take time to look at the places you will be visiting and understand local law, culture, attitudes and required etiquette. Avoid any unsafe areas.  Keep your belongings safe and concealed from view, never put money in your back pocket and do not hang  cameras around your neck although it may be a pain having to keep getting them out it will be worth it.

If on a cruise you will have a safe in your stateroom to keep all your documents, passports, money and jewellery. These few obvious areas can make your holiday stress free and you will return home safe and refreshed.

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