Millward's Maritime Matters

What’s Next On Your Bucket List?

Have you seen the wonderful “bucket list” cruises we have currently on our website?  These are unique packages which we have put together for you to maximise the area you are travelling to.  Got me thinking (again) to bucket lists in general, where do you really want to go next and why OR is there anywhere in the world you have really wanted to go to since you were young and not yet managed it?

I can answer you in both of the above categories.  The first would have to be where I have always wanted to go to well, since I was 8 years old.  I remember sitting in the “tv room” of my junior school watching a programme on Robert Louis Stevenson.  Stevenson was already a well travelled man before he went to the South Pacific in 1890, eventually settling in Samoa. He died and was also buried there. He was so loved by the Samoans and to this day they still sing about him. Well, you can imagine for a little girl this area of the world looked wonderful and still does to a 50 plus!  I have of course decided that it’s not just Samoa I want to go to, I want to go on a Polynesia cruise, this way I can visit all the wonderful destinations such as Bora Bora, Tahiti and of course Samoa!

To do Polynesia, I could partake in a world cruise, but that would be too long for me. My first choice would be to fly to Los Angeles, have a night or two there and then fly onwards to Tahiti and join the cruise. Then go to Samoa for a few nights before coming home.

This would be my heaven.

My 2nd choice would be to do the Vietnam and Cambodia Mekong river cruise. For me this would be perfect, apart from the fact the ships are beautiful, I want to see for myself the local culture, see all the villages as we sail by and then of course end up at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, somewhere I hear is just fantastic!  I think the difference on a river cruise compared to a ocean cruise would be wonderful to experience and of course so very different.

So there you have it – my 2 “must see before I die” destinations and the reasons why. So come on, tell me yours!



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