Michelle Makes Waves

Manners Make Such A Difference….

When I was growing up, my mum was very careful about teaching myself and my sisters to be polite, well-mannered, thoughtful and brought me up to have respect for others. We used proper phone etiquette (“Hello, may I speak to Michelle, please?” as opposed to “Is Michelle there??”), we said “please” and “thank you”, waited patiently for our turn to speak during a conversation and if necessary always prefaced an interruption with “excuse me”, the list goes on and on.

As an agent/person I’m always polite and always go that extra mile to try and help and assist passengers as much as I possibly can but lately I have noticed that manners have been somewhat lacking. Here at Cruise.co.ukwe always push ourselves to a very high standard of customer service but it’s hard when people can be that rude its hard not to take their critics personally. It’s amazing if you are polite and courteous how much more someone will do for you and get any issues resolved so much quicker. Manners don’t cost anything . I don’t know where our society is going with this “new concept” of manners. My guess is not too far. Without politeness, society loses its way and the worst of people feel they can get away with anything. It’s a shame that we have to be harassed by the rudeness of others. 
Would be good to hear some feedback on this if anyone agrees with me OR not let me know your thoughts and comments.
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