Michelle Makes Waves

I’m Off Again But I’ll Be Back…..

Thought I would let you all know I’m off now for the Bank Holiday.
Oooohh Yes I’m off again to have a nice, relaxing long bank holiday. I’m babysitting my beautiful nephew this evening, whilst everyone else goes out and enjoys themselves, Brilliant !!!

He is adorable though so he’s worth it !!!  

Then, Monday I have organised a BIG get together and I’m having a barbeque, oooh my heavens just too many people have been invited but should be a really good day, let’s hope this weather in Manchester stays nice hey, knowing my luck it will rain haha !!!

Then back to work on Tuesday 8th May.

I hope you all have a brilliant Bank Holiday and I will speak to you all on Tuesday when I am back.

In the meantime, if you have a query that cannot wait please call one of my colleagues on 0800 408 6200

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