Lois' Cruising Loyalty

Going Solo ? Cruising is one of the best holidays for Single Travellers

Cruising on your own can feel like a daunting experience but really Cruising and single passengers are a fantastic match. You are looked after on board , it is a safe and secure environment for a single traveler to be in, and as far as the social aspect of it, you can meet as many or as few people as you wish.

People at times think that as a solo traveller on a cruise you will be bombarded with things to do and sat with groups of people , when in fact you could be just taking the cruise to have some ‘me’ time. I have a mix of Single guests that I have booked regularly over the years and they all differ, some will go away for the alone time , whereas others will use it as a opportunity to make new friends.

That is the perfect thing about Cruising it suits a wide range of what people actually want.

The main downside I find and especially recently when i have had more enquiries for late deals for Single travelers is the cost. While I do not agree with the calculations that are charged at times based on two people sharing .. a supplement of 100% , this is just a sad thing that we come across. This is what can discourage Solo Travelers more than the fact of making the step of going it alone.

Over the years there has been an increase on single cabins offered  and lower fares , there are even deals with no single supplement. But these are still are still in short supply and the best advice for these is to try and book as early as you can as these do get booked up a lot quicker.

Booking on board is a great idea as you will get hopefully first pick of  of cabins and your Cruise automatically goes back to your consultant so he/she can look after it again until you depart.

Also Booking on board always gives you lots of little extras that you will miss out on if you wait to come home and book. So if you see a great deal for you, you would be best to go for it , at least that way you have something to look forward to and what you want.

We are here to help you and our job is to find the right cruise for you which is the key when travelling alone as you want the finer points sorted even more so. Do not let the thought of travelling alone put you off asking ….. that’s what we are hear for 🙂



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