Jill Cruises

War Babies On The River


River cruising is here to stay !  Mainly due to the BABY BOOMERS IMPACT “what is that I hear you say”?. Well basically its due to the interest post war babies are showing on River Cruising. Age wise anything between 55 and 70 years of age is what i’m referring to. Finally the children are  off of your hands and the mortgage is now paid up. As I say on a regular basis, you’ve done the Caribbean till your Caribbean’d out and as I know when the years start to roll by- you start to actually enjoy and appreicate scenery, something off the beaten track. I’m swiftly edgeing  into this catagory too so I know first hand how your interests start to change. My own holiday next year with my husband is going to be  a River Cruise  ive even managed to  convert him too.


With so many diverse operators now to choose from too making it even more appealing there really is something for everyone.






No longer do you think of someone of 60 years as being  old and yet if you look at picture’s of say…… Queen Victoria at 60 she really did look her age.  Todays post war babies are health conscious, wanting excitement  and to be looked after, and around 36% are still employed.

Let me know what you think do you agree with me? or am I barking up the wrong tree!


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