Can it just be Autumn already ?


Is anyone looking forward to Autumn as much as i am ? I cant believe that in 36 days Summer will be over and it will be time to look out my big coat and ankle boots. Living in Scotland we don’t often get the good weather, honestly i can count the days on one hand where i was able to head out and enjoy the sun and working from home can make it worse, before i have always worked in a shopping mall and was never able to see outside so i wasn’t too fussed. Maybe time to move to a sunnier country ? I WISH !!

Autumn gives us so much to look forward to especially when you have a 6 year old, in the next few months we have myself,  my Husband, and sons birthday, Halloween & Guy Fox……. before we know it it will be dare i say it CHRISTMAS !!!

My Son Connor went back to school today, i think he needs it as hes becoming a little bored and most days hes not listening to a word i say. I cant believe he is going into Primary 3 !! Hes had a great time off, we went to Cape Verde for 7 nights at the beginning of July and i have just booked 3 nights at a Haven park for our September weekend, he is bringing his little friend to keep him company, and keep me and his dad sane.

Autumn is also time of year for my husband and I to get the paint brushes out and give the house a make over and touch up any little bits and bobs that need done, my husband is rubbish at the cutting in so its always left to me which in my opinion is the hard part of painting but its also kind of therapeutic if your into that kind of thing, my husband just doesn’t have the patience required !!

Are you looking forward to Autumn as much as i am ?

About Me

Hi Everyone Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. My Name is Jenna McGhee from Bonnie Scotland where I live with my Lovely husband, my son who is the apple of my eye and our little Yorkie Ollie. I have worked in the travel industry for the past…

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