My Galapagos Series – The Final Chapter

Wow what a journey this has been travelling through time to one of the most sought after and stunning locations you could ever see on your travels. A life changing experience that will fill your heart with the most surreal memories. A journey that will last with you always. This journey concludes with the final islands on your seven day cruise visiting Santiago, Santa Cruz , Seymour and Cristobel ISlands. Have I saved the best til last that is your decision to make but personally in my opinion every island is magical in its own mysterious way.

Santiago Island – day 4 .

Hardened fields of black rock create a geological wonderland here after a volcanic eruption in the early 1900’s caused this island to be covered in flowing lava. This is mind you will not find much wildlife on here due to the harsh terrain but you will stop in the morning to give you a chance to take an early morning stroll through the most amazing geological site, You can see a video of Santiago by clicking here Santiago Island

Santa Cruz – Day 5.

If you like stunning beaches then you will not find one more white and pristine than the one here but this is not this is not the only surprise you will also see ponds filled with flamingos feeding in the shallow waters together with one of the largest nesting areas of the Pacific Green Turtles. Santa Cruz I think is one of my favourites, so much to see here and of course if you are a snorkeler like me then this would be the most perfect setting.

Seymour ISland – Day 5

Just north of Baltra this tiny island is home to the largest colony of Frigate birds , where the male Frigates try and impress the females with an inflated red neck pouch . The wildlife here is endless giving a fantastic photo opportunity to also see the dancing courtship ritual of the blue-footed boobies, Sea Lions and large land Iguanas will also be seen here . You have the chance to snorkel in deep waters here or of course to stay on dry land and see the wildlife in action. Some amazing videos to be seen by just clicking here  North Seymour ISland

San Cristobel ISland – Day 6

Names as the administrative capital of the Islands you will find a small waterfront town of Puerto Morenzo where not only will you experience some scenic nature trails but you will also have time to do a little shopping . The town has a small beach normally more popular for sea lions rather than yourselves but a further walk will take you to a further beach popular with surfers. In the afternoon you willa rrive further up the Island called Warlock Hill and Kicker Rock , home to another spectacular beach where further Sea Lions and sea birds roam. as the sunset sets you will sail against the richly colored walls of Kicker Rock and with a cocktail in hand provides a perfect end to a magical 7 days.

Need I say anymore to what has been a fabulous journey , for me the Galapagos is a remarkable trip that really will last with you a lifetime. Stunning scenery, wildlife you will find no where else whilst overflowing with history. The Galapagos really does have a story to tell and maybe you will want to read the book yourself.

I have added a link here on everything you will ever need to know regarding the Galapagos , a very interesting read Galapagos all you need to know

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