
Handbags at dawn on Aurora

It’s all fun and games on P&O Aurora and as you are sunning yourself by the pool, having a cocktail or two in one of the many bars or possibly a well deserved massage in the Spa, unbeknown to many of you things aren’t so much fun in other areas of the ship. This can only mean one thing……… Handbags at Dawn in the Launderette.

May I just say I haven’t experienced this personally but I do have first hand information from my customers on their recent return, it was surprising that only a few days later another of my customers said the same thing had happened on Cunard .

You will see on many cruise ships that a launderette is on each deck offering a sometimes free service to wash and dry your clothes you only have to provide your washing powder and fabric softener, although some cruise lines even offer this for free on board. ( I have added a link below which will tell you who offers the self service laundry on board and there charges ) This is a great idea especially if you are on a longer cruise and very much needed.

Who offers Self Service Laundry and Charges

On the occasion in question my customer innocently went to the launderette with a bag of washing . Now there were 3 washing machines and 3 tumble dryers, unfortunately 1 washing machine was out of order so I guess there was a backlog. After the washing machine had finished said customer then put her washed clothes into the tumble dryer and waited patiently for her clothes to dry only to be told and I mean told in such a stern voice behind her that her washing was now dry and purposely stood inches behind her whilst she tried to get her dried washing out as quickly as she could before any more stern words came out of the fellow passengers mouth. Slightly intimidated she grabbed her newly dried clothes and left.  Does this sound familiar?

Apparently it takes around 45 minutes for the washing machines to finish the cycle and many customers time themselves and go off to do something else to return 45 minutes later which is fair enough, only one customer went for breakfast and came back some considerable time later only to see her washing had been taken out and put on the floor. She then continued to carry on and thumped the lady who had removed her clothes from the machine allegedly and was then removed from the ship. As i said allegedly as this is only a rumour from passengers on board but really? It seems to me though from listening to customers that the self service launderettes do seem to occasionally encourage a kind of unpleasant frustration amongst a minority of its users.

It kind of beggars belief that the use of washing machines and tumble dryers can lead to this kind of behaviour. Surely respect is the order of the day here for everyone concerned.

If you have had any experience in the Self Service laundry then add your comments below. It would be nice to hear of some lovely stories where passengers have helped others as I am sure there are many too as there are always two sides to every situation.

I look forward to hearing from you

Until next time…………………

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