Haydn Cruises

Lovely gesture from Royal Caribbean……

I found this story today and its nice to see there are still some decent people left in the world. Taxi

A local taxi driver in Boston was surprised to find a bag full of $187,000 in cash in the back of his cab. What the hell would you be doing with that amount of cash in a bag??  You’d think he must be a very wealthy man but stupid to be carrying this type of money around but in fact it was totally the opposite which you will read below. In fairness to this taxi driver he took the bag (with the money) straight to the local police station to hand it over.  It was this selfless gesture which compelled Royal Caribbean to reward him with an all expenses cruise to the Caribbean.

It was reported that Raymond ‘Buzzy’ MacCausland picked up a passenger who was moving from a local homeless shelter to a hotel who then accidentally left behind a backpack. As MacCausland opened the bag to look for a form of identification, he found bundles of cash instead before heading straight to a police station to report it.

Royal felt MacCausland’s selfless gesture deserved more than the $100 tip the original owner offered him and so have surprised the driver with a free Caribbean vacation on one of the world’s largest cruise ships, Oasis of the Seas or Allure of the Seas.  

MacCausland is reportedly semi-retired after driving his cab in the city for around 50 years and now only drives it on the weekend to help supplement his Social Security. He reportedly admitted in an interview that at the moment of discovering the cash, he’d had fleeting thoughts of keeping it and stated: ‘That would have been life changing. We could have travelled the world’.

The passenger that left the money behind is reportedly homeless and told the paper, on the condition of anonymity, that he had spent the last six months recovering from a drug addiction. The money was an inheritance from his parents, which the man had to prove to police before the money was released to him. Let’s hope he’s over the drugs and uses the money wisely!

The local police have also praised Mr MacCausland for his honesty.

What would you do?  would you hand it in?  I’d like to think I would!

Well done Royal Caribbean, nice to see these huge companies rewarding people who deserve it and that we’re not just a number in this modern society of ours.






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