Hannah's Harbours

Jump on board my Carpet Craze!

016 Connections corridor - smallYou may have seen the company’s recent e-blast featuring yours truly talking all about my love of cruise ship carpets. If you missed it you can find it here.

I don’t know when, or why, this strange fascination with carpets began but it is something that has grown over the years. When I went through all my archive photos a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t believe just how many I have actually taken over the years. I must in into the hundreds by now!

These days the trend in our homes is very much towards neutral colours overall with ‘accents’ for a bit of colour, the same cannot be said about cruise ships. Decor tends to be quite bold, blingy and in some cases downright outrageous and the carpets certainly add to the overall effect, making a very bold statement.

Since the e-blast went out I’ve had many people contact me, some saying that they haven’t paid particular attention to the carpets before but will certainly do so in the future whilst others have kindly sent their own photos of carpets in to me to publish. If you would like to jump on the bandwagon and join this crazy band of ‘carpet spotters’ please get in touch at hannahw@cruise.co.uk with your photos and I will add them to the collection. If you are happy for me to publish them please let me know as I will need your permission to do so. The more the merrier I say!

Over the years I have been lucky enough to cruise on many ships, about 40 to date I think, and I have photographed as many carpets as I can on each one, but you know as well as I do that there are many more ships, and carpets, that I haven’t been on so if you can help me out whilst on your travels I would love it. The quirkier the carpet the better, or if you see anything else particularly wacky on board send me a photo of that too.

So many of you are heading off on cruises this summer and I’m really hoping that you will collect lots of photos for me and send them to me. Let’s see if we can double my collection by the Autumn!

Many thanks to a fellow carpet fanatic for the above photo of the Connexions Corridor on board QM2 – isn’t it magnificent!

Happy Cruising folks!

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