What’s your favourite part of a cruise?

Whether you are relatively new to cruising or a seasoned cruiser, you must have a favourite thing when it comes to cruising? Do you love the formal nights, is it the prospect of a new port of call, is it not having to do the laundry the whole time you are away, or sitting on […]

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Why are so many of you missing the boat?

It takes a lot to render me speechless but at this time of year I am well and truly rendered speechless several times a day. We are now well and truly into the school holidays and into August too now so really you would think that anyone looking to go on a cruise during August […]

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Your River Cruise Questions Answered – by Yours Truly!

Any one who has followed my Blog over the years knows that my favourite type of cruising is river cruising.  I did my first river cruise about 6 years ago, the first of many, and I have never looked back. It ticks all the boxes for me, small ships, friendly staff and passengers, fabulous scenery […]

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Lou and Dave are, quite simply, living the (Thomson) Dream…….

Lou and Dave, friends of mine, have been wanting to try cruising for a while now and are currently on board their maiden voyage, on the Thomson Dream, cruising the Aegean and what a fabulous time they are having. Just this morning I had a message from Lou saying they are totally hooked and don’t […]

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Going Places – from the Garden…….. oh yes we are!

Goodness, I don’t like to complain but isn’t it hot! I know we should be grateful as we get little enough good weather during our Summers, but working in an office in this heat was all getting a little bit too much for my colleague Ben and I so last week we hatched a plan. […]

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Does size matter?

Give or take the occasional smaller luxury ship being launched, it seems that every ship has to be bigger than the last, with more and more facilities on board or more advanced technological features. It just seems to be the way of the cruising world at the moment and it beats me how the cruise […]

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Her Majesty and I have more in common than you might think!

I love smaller ships, I don’t need a choice of 14 restaurants, multiple bars and lounges, rock climbing walls and ice-skating rinks, if anything it is too much choice and I find you end up flitting from bar to bar all evening, not settling in one place. Give me a Fred Olsen ship with one […]

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NCL’s latest announcement receives mixed response from Cruisers………..

Well I for one was thrilled when NCL recently announced that as from 6th April they would be including the cost of drinks and gratuities in the cost of their cruises. “At last” I thought, one of the cruise lines has got the message. How much simpler life will be and let’s hope some of […]

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“What’s the best cruise?”………..

………… a friend asked me the other night, a friend who has never cruised before. Well, where to start, what to say! I asked her what she would be looking for in a cruise, “just the best cruise” was her response – helpful! So where do you start finding ‘the best cruise’, because let’s be […]

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Andrew and Kathy’s Hurtigruten Adventure Gets a ’10’ From Them!

With a milestone birthday and almost milestone wedding anniversary to celebrate, why not take a cruise? Which is what Andrew and Kathy did, although they didn’t fancy a run of the mill cruise. As Kathy really wanted to see Norway in the snow at that, they did some research and decided that Hurtigruten was the […]

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