Gina's Cruise Guide

..And the pleasure was all mine!

Its not often as a Home-worker I get the chance to actually spend a bit of quality time with my lovely clients.  In fact its a rarity.

I spend my working days literally attached to my laptop, headset on, looking for, planning for,  quoting, and booking fantastic cruises for you. We start a journey of discovery together from that first phone call, that first idea of what  kind of cruise you would like, to the actual booking, and then looking forward to actually stepping onboard and enjoying the experience.  I give you a call before you set off to make sure everything is prepared and that you havent forgotten anything, and to wish you Bon Voyage! I call you on your return to see how it all went. A bond is created, and a friendship born.  Which is fabulous.

So when I found out that some of my regular clients were visiting the Costa Del Sol recently,  and would only be a short drive away from me, it was too good an opportunity to let slip!

John Wendy Gordon & Betty for whom I have arranged a few cruises, were staying in Benalmadena, and so we arranged to meet in the bar of their hotel for a Face to Face!  and what fun we all had!  Of course you have an advantage over us Consultants as our faces are splattered all over our website, Facebook pages, Blog pages etc, however as soon as I walked into the Reception area I recognised my cruise-buddies!

I met John & Gordon at the entrance, and made our way to the outside Bar, to meet the girls.  It was a beautiful sunny day, blue skies,  and the drink and conversation flowed.  It was such a pleasure to spend time with them, while they shared their cruising experiences with me . All too soon however, it was time for me to go, so after the obligatory selfies, we parted knowing just a little bit more about each other than you can glean from a phone call, and our friendships have been enriched.  Here’s me with ‘the gang’!  and a message I received from them about our get together:

“Lovely surprise to hear from you yesterday and to see some great photos! Its unusual for someone to mix business and pleasure but it was great to meet you in real life and realise that we are on similar levels with a similar sense of humour! “

As the title of my blog says……. The pleasure was all mine!


So if you ever find yourself on the Costa Del Sol and fancy a beer in the sunshine, give me a call, and I’ll meet you in the bar!





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