Gemma's Cruise Gems

Which way will you go?


So today is the day when we vote if the UK will be in or out of the EU.  After hearing lots from both sides I still feel undecided.  One minute I think one thing and then the next I have changed my mind.  What would it mean though for future holidays if we were to leave the EU?  Some of the UK’s leading travel bosses from Easyjet and Ryanair have suggested us leaving the EU would damage aviation.  It has been stated that flights to Europe would be more expensive if we were to leave the EU and that us holidaymakers would benefit staying how we are.  I do think that if we were out of the EU maybe it will affect us on air travel.  Will it make it harder to go on holiday in Europe if we leave the EU?  I can’t see it making too much difference to cruise ships either way really as will these countries want to turn away thousands of holidaymakers spending money,  however we just don’t know.  We managed before but will we manage again?  Nothing has been explored yet to whether cruises would go up if we were to leave.  It would be interesting to know what bosses of the cruise lines think.  If the vote goes for us to leave the EU then it could still take up to 2 years for any changes to come around.  Until we are at the point do we really know how things will be affected?  Tourism is only a small topic of conversation with regards to the referendum and there are lots of other aspects to think about.  I personally feel there is so much for each side but which way will I go?  There isn’t long left now to decide.  





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