Gail's Cruising Tales

Another Year Over – A New One Just Around The Corner

Another year over and a new one is waiting just around the corner.

It’s amazing how quickly the years fly by – that long for summer holiday seems a distant memory by now.

How has your year been?

Did you stay true to those New Year resolutions?

Did you achieve your goals and aims?

Not to worry, there is always 2017 to either  a) lose weight b) Get fitter c) Be a better person or any of the million and one other  things we promise ourselves every year!

Joking apart, in my opinion, 2016 has be en a very sad year. Just think of  the talent the world has lost, David Bowie, Caroline Aherne and just yesterday the fabulous George Michael. These 3 names are really just the tip of the iceberg.

So let’s make sure that whatever challenges 2017 throws at us we make sure that we throw it right back.

Make sure that you take time out of your busy and hectic life to breathe, relax and enjoy the company of family and friends.

If you have a dream destination, then start to plan it in – you might not make it this year but get some plans in place to ensure that you get there in the next couple of years.

Life really is too short to worry about the things we can not do anything about. But let’s make sure that anything we can change we should try our best to do so.

So my plan for 2017 – I don’t like to call them resolutions – is to definitely improve my fitness, I am not going to throw myself around on gym machines ( perish the thought ) but to make sure I walk every day come rain or shine.

I would be interested to hear if any of you feel the same as me – let’s make a plan, yes we may have to reevaluate it sometimes but hopefully we will be healthier in mind, body and spirit this time next year.

Have a happy and peaceful New Year.


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