Freddie's Fantastic Cruises

Zika Virus About To Ruin The Olympics?

So once again the dynamic duo of Sport and Tourism faces a huge threat from a exceptionally severe situation that had risen it’s ugly head in South America: Zika Virus

Now although this virus has been around for a long time, it’s only become common knowledge over here in UK since the media have opened our eyes to it. I knew nothing of it 6 months or so ago, and I’m probably not the only once.

This horrific disease affects babies before they are even born, and it’s now seen as a global epidemic and it’s causing huge concern at the forthcoming Olympic Games. Shrunken heads and birth defects, amongst other things is bound to put potential parents off. I certainly won’t be going to Brazil in a hurry at 31 and recently married anyway!

I’m a big fan of the games and try to watch as much as I can around work, especially track and field having been a budding runner in my younger years. Unfortunately I never took it to a higher level, but that’s another story………

But the sport that seems to have come under a huge amount of media coverage of all things recently, is golf!

OK so number one, how long has golf been in the Olympics??

And number two, why is it?

I mean the Olympics historically is about giant Greek blokes throwing spears and big lumps of bronze around! So as skilled as golf is (and by the way I love golf), the idea of some brightly dressed millionaire wielding a skinny, aluminium stick doesn’t really fit anyway for me personally.

I think the media need to lay off the golfers and start laying into the athletic governing bodies that organise events, in this instance, the Olympics.

How, after all these horrific reports about Zika can they even consider holding the Olympics in Brazil?

Also why are athletes even going?

If they are a certain age I get it, and if they don’t intend on having children fair enough, but surely it will only risk spreading the disease in any case?

I don’t like it one bit and I think whoever is giving the green light to the Olympics needs to take a more rational approach and stop it going ahead. Send it somewhere else, I’m sure we’d have it, we hosted them 4 years ago, did a brilliant job and still have all the facilities!

So ultimately my final thought is this, is Zika about to ruin the Olympic Games?

Anyway that’s my rant over for the day, if anyone else agrees or disagrees I’d love to hear why?

Thanks for reading and as always, until next time………………

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