Freddie's Fantastic Cruises

What Is Your Number One Priority In Life?

So since finding out recently that I am going to become a dad for the first time (which I am probably foolishly ecstatic about), my priorities in life have taken something of a change of late!

When I found out a couple of months ago, I started to look at my life. Where I was, what I have achieved, and what kind of future I wanted for my wife and imminent child.

This little bit of soul searching has initially made me fixate at cash flow, which I’m sure is not unusual! So I have thrown myself into work with much much vigor than I normally would over the last couple of months, trying to sell as many cruises and make as much money as possible. Nappies, milk blah blah – this is what my mind is now thinking about.

Before it was meals out, nice wine, rare whisky, and the odd overpriced cigar – yes I was born as a 50 year old before you ask.

The wife showed me a video we posted on our social media accounts exactly one year ago to the day of when we were sunning ourselves in the Maldives for our honeymoon. All I could think was how amazing that place was, and how I felt that my life had been enriched, just by going there to see the white sand, and crystal waters – simple I know but mind blowing at the same time.

But it got me thinking about what makes the human mind tick….

Amalgamating all of what I just mentioned; Money, Children, Spouse, Luxuries, and of course Holidays.

One word links them all………


Everything we do in life is about experiences, and with my career in the cruise industry, of course, I am biased towards holidays when it comes to ‘what makes me tick’.

I am always thinking about holidays, for me, for family, friends, customers…….in short everyone……all the time!

You may have seen my recent posts about our ‘Bucket List’ initiative. A selection of unique holidays that blow the concept of an ordinary cruise totally out of the water (that’s not even punny……i mean fu……oh you get it….!)

This lead my mind to life and it’s priorities. More and more I can’t help but think that travel is actually the most important aspect of life.

In this day and age where you can go anywhere on various modes of transport, in varying degrees of luxury, it surely has to be the single most important of lifes experiences right?

But alas, I am a travel consultant, so as forementioned, I am utterly biased.

You lovely readers, are my customers, and perhaps have different priorities?

So my question is this:

What makes you tick? What would make you come to my way of thinking? And where do I have to send you to make your life more enriched? Answers on a postcard………

Thanks for reading and as always, until next time…………..

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