Freddie's Fantastic Cruises

Single Supplements Not The Fault Of The Travel Agent

After having my head bitten off yet again this week for simply doing my job, I thought it was high time to set the record straight about prices and supplements for single travels and inform people of the role of the agent, i.e me.

In the cruise industry we have many guests in the higher age range, down to the relaxing nature of a cruise, the luxury element, and a lot of the time, because the non-retired can’t afford the time or the money during their work schedule to take in a cruise.

Naturally in this higher age range, the percentage of single travellers is higher. Sadly age gets us all, and if it’s not age, it’s some medical condition, or injury, or result of something else horrific!

But some people do choose to remain single too. Relationships are just not their thing, and they are happy to spend their time doing exactly what they want to do and running their own schedule, which is great if they are happy!

However, whatever the circumstances, the supplements are still the same for all single guests, and as frustrating as it is, they are generally quite steep.

But the purpose of this blog is to inform you lovely lot that when we are quoting prices and availability at a single rate, we are picking up and discounting the price that is set by the cruise line – we have no say whatsoever in how they set their prices! So please stop shouting at us if you feel the price is unfair, we are only trying to help you and service the enquiry as best we can, and I know it’s not nice to feel penalized for traveling solo, but that isn’t our fault either! If anything we are actually giving you a BETTER price than the cruise line because we always apply a discount in order to get your business!

I think a lot of people think it’s actually us that are marking prices up by 60,70,80% but I can assure you it’s not!!

Can you imagine having the phone slammed down on you when you were only trying to help someone?! The role of the Cruise or Travel Agent is to get you the best available price, and if we have the ability to make it better then we will, but if the price is set high from the begining, then we are fighting a losing battle! We already know it’s going to be too high much of the time, so it doesn’t make it any easier for us, or any more fair! If you don’t book, we don’t get your business, but we still try our hardest for you!

So please folks, next time an agent quotes you a high single supplement, please remember that we are the middle man and are trying to do the best for you every single time!

Hopefully this sheds a little light on the role we play and how we work!

Thanks for reading and as always, until next time…..


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