Dogs on a Plane?! Surely Not?!

So I’m listening to the radio this morning and I hear one of the DJ’s come out with what I initially thought was a joke, but turns out they are actually considering it!

Yes the strap line for this blog is accurate!

It turns out everyone’s favourite wacky airline, Ryanair, are thinking about allowing owners to bring their pet pooches into the cabin with them and fly like a human! Seatbelt and all!

Dog on a plane

As many of my customers know, I have four dogs myself – a stupid amount by anyone standards, but you can blame my other half for that!

But I literally cannot imagine anything worse  than going through the stress of having one or more of my, or for that matter, someone elses dog sat there stinking the place out!

I mean really? What are Ryanair thinking?!

If kids on the seat behind, kicking holes out of your back and screaming with ear pain everytime the pressure changes in the cabin wasn’t bad enough, now Ryanair’s customers might have a giant backing, dribbling pooch jumping up their back half way to Spain!

Surely the idea is nonsense? Is it just a publicity stunt or could it happen? How would it work?

Of course pets have always been allowed to fly on planes, but always in the hold or on seperate aircraft. Then there are the quarantine regulations?

One would assume this would be on domestic flights only but still, it all sounds a bit hair (or fur) brained to me!

Of course certain cruise lines have always allowed dogs on board, most notably Cunard, but again there are certain places and certain areas. It has to be like this so it’s not a massive animal free for all! So how it would would on a confined space like a plane I have no idea!

QM2 Bulldog

Plus isn’t the point of going on holiday to leave your cares at home? When I go away I miss my dogs but it is nice to get away from them for a few days.

Be great to find out if there is any truth in this little story to be honest, and also would love to know what people think?

Should it be allowed? Do you miss your pets that much on holiday?

Thanks for reading & I look forward to your thoughts!

As always until next time…………………

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Hi Cruise Fans, my name is Freddie! If you want to talk to someone that has a vast amount of experience and won't give you the hard sell then I'm your man. 13 years in this industry has taught me that most of the time, the customer knows your job…

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