Freddie's Fantastic Cruises

Disabled? Single? Do The Cruise Lines Really Want You? -Chapter 1-

Disgusted a number of times in the last few days at ridiculous supplements and stupid mobility equipment regulations, I have used these topics as inspiration for my weekly whinge.

I’ll be honest, as a cruise agent, it’s quite frustrating when I pick up the phone to a genuinely nice customer, who is looking to book what can sometimes be a once in a lifetime holiday. They get excited about a great offer they have seen, and it’s a place they’ve always wanted to visit, and that they can finally take this wonderful cruise holiday!

‘So’, I ask….

‘How many guests are travelling?’ One of my rudimentary questions of course.

‘Oh it’s just me, my husband/wife passed away this year and I just need to getaway, and I saw this price and it looks amazing’

………..insert awkward pause as I prepare to crush their dreams……….

Yes here is where I look at the availability and tell the usually unsuspecting customer that their price is about 80% more than what the offer shows, because of the………..wait for it………

THE DREADED…….. SINGLE……. SUPPLEMENT!!!!! (cue satanic devil movie music)

Of course the cruise lines are going to tear up your hopes of getting that deal you so badly need. Just business right?


It would be naive to think that a double cabin would go to a single person at half the price of course. But what really burns my soul is the varying levels of percent it can be.

Some cruise lines are fairly reasonable, around 50% which would price some people out, but I personally think that is reasonable. But lines like P&O Cruises, Cunard and Royal Caribbean despite having some of the biggest ships on the planet, still persist on hiking up these supplements, in some cases, to a wallet melting 100%!!

I think what we need is a fair, unvarying, unseasonal, flat rate percentage. That way people know what to expect. Yes the cruise lines might say they would lose money. I say that’s bull spit. You see there are thousands and thousands of single people out there nowadays, probably more than ever with the population growing, decreasing levels of human interaction due to social media, and longer working hours. People even use the internet to find a partner nowadays – the world has gone mad!

My point is that if you decrease the supplement, and advertise the fact you are doing so. The single masses will come! People will start talking again, maybe even share a holiday romance at sea – Hell’s teeth cruise lines! You might actually give society a helping hand!! (cue love boat music)

I really think I’m onto something here for all you singletons out there!! What do you reckon?

That’s all the rant I’ve got time for today folks but tune in next week for Chapter 2 – Why Disabled Guests are also losing out.

As ever, thanks for reading, and until next time………….

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