Christmas Already In The Shops!

Bah Humbug!

Yes I am one of those people that hates this time of year.

The world cup semi final novelty is over, the weather has taken a dire turn for the worse, the mornings are dark, the days are short, and I’m flat skint broke thanks to several selfish family members and friends being born in this month, you lot know who you are…

But the worst thing about September is the ruddy retail shops all gearing up for Christmas….it drives me nuts.

Now don’t get me wrong, I actually love Christmas. Not for the religious reasons, or the mass present giving/receiving. No, Christmas for me signals the end of the year, a well earned rest, time to spend with friends and family, and an epic meal.

I also am a big fan of trees, fairy lights, santas image, daft music etc, but only when the time is right. That time is not September.

I mean I still have Halloween, bonfire night, my wedding anniversary, and a plethora of other selfish peoples birthdays to financially navigate before I even think about Crimbo! The spending never ends!

This year of course I have decided to ruin my own Christmas and potentially poison up to 11 family members, by inviting them to ours, and giving myself the nigh on impossible task of feeding them all on the big day.


Yes absolutely, however, this is on the understanding that I will supply the food and booze, but they can take that as their present, since it’s going to damn near kill me off. Frankly I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea, but hopefully with a clever use of herbs and a lot of butter, I can fool them all into thinking I have spent hundreds, when in reality I’ve actually done it on the cheap! We’ll see eh!

Anyway I have digressed, my point is that Christmas now starts far too early for my liking and retailers should leave it a little longer. I think mass shopping hysteria is what’s needed at Christmas time. People are more likely to blast the cash nearer to the time on last ditch stuff.

Just think how many ‘spare bottles of wine’, or ‘extra selection boxes’ you’ve bought last minute over the years on the friday before Christmas! And don’t even think about telling me you’ve not treated yourself to a nice bottle of brandy just ‘because it’s Christmas’. I do the same thing every year. I’m a marketers dream I really am.

So if you want some Christmas cheer from me, don’t ring this month, or next month for that matter! November is when I start thinking about it, and coincidentally that is when deals start to emerge for 2019 as the cruise lines start to push for the next season, so you might bag yourself a bargain, or even treat someone to a cruise – how good a present is that!?

For now I’ll leave you with image of how my face looks every time I walk into a shop this week and see Christmas stock. Thanks for reading and as always, until next time…….


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Hi Cruise Fans, my name is Freddie! If you want to talk to someone that has a vast amount of experience and won't give you the hard sell then I'm your man. 13 years in this industry has taught me that most of the time, the customer knows your job…

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