Freddie's Fantastic Cruises

3 2 1 LAUNCH!

It’s pretty much one of the most exciting times of the year for British cruisers!

Yes it’s back once again with even more choice, even more ships, and even more itineraries!

It’s the Launch of P&O and Cunard for 2016 / 2017!

This happens just after Easter each year, capitalizing on those post Easter blues, everyone in the mood to pick up the phone and get away from it all!

I must admit, i had almost a week off over Easter this year, more than I normally would, and it was awesome, but it wasn’t nearly enough. If I had the holidays I’d be picking up the phone and definitely booking a cruise!

It might seem a long way away but there are sooooo many benefits to booking early.

Best choice of cabins, On Board Credit, Free Parking, Free Coaches, high discounts, even higher discounts from me!

Yes you get the first pick of the bunch of some amazing cruises.

So if you are sat there looking at the brochure wondering if you should book now or not, seize the day and get booking!

With P&O, you get to experience one of their greatest accomplishments, Britannia – speaking from experience, I know this ship is going to WOW the British market and take us all by storm! And with loads of freebies as I mentioned before, it’s time to get booking!

Just imagine putting your deposit down and having something amazing to look forward to, safe in the knowledge that you have plenty of time to save up for it!

Got a wedding, anniversary, special birthday, or maybe you just want to visit somewhere you have dreamed about for years? Then now is the time to pick up the phone and call me!

The cruise industry is bubbling at the moment, there truly is no better holiday, so if you haven’t got something in mind yet, why not give it a go!

Hopefully I have given you something to think about today and I look forward to booking your next cruise!

Thanks for reading and as always, until next time………………



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