Emily's Cruise Essentials

Cruise Mapper

If you are a bit a cruise geek like myself then you will find this fascinating as much as me.  I was introduced to it a while back and now find myself looking at it from time to time. Its is full of all kinds of information on nearly every ship imaginable. The aspect of it I enjoy the most is typing a ships name and it tells you where in the world it is and what itinerary it is completing. Not only this there is a webcam so you can see live footage of where they are. It  really is information at your fingertips.

As well as this it also has all the up to date date plans which is such a useful tool as I find in the brochures they are ridiculously small print. Even with a magnifying glass they are difficult tom read so its great to have it on line so i can enlarge it. There is also a section which gives you information on all the cabin grades.

Sometimes when I am putting an package holiday together which includes pre cruise hotel stays its not always clear where the ports are. On the website they have every port information too.

It is such a useful website and one I will continue to use.


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