Embark with Edward

Why cruising is good for nervous travellers!

Even after all of the trips I have done it may come as a surprise to you that I do actually still get very nervous about travelling, with day to day life being so ‘go go go’ many of us find it difficult to switch off and getting in to the swing of the things when we finally get to that blessed week off.

So here is why I personally think for us worriers, cruising is best!


Yes believe it or not, for most – ‘White noise’ is extremely comforting. For me it’s the sound of the air conditioning, the gentle hum of the ship as the propellers churn their way through the ocean, and the odd rattle of the coat hangers in the wardrobe.

Knowing that something is always going on, it’s a 24 hour operation really relaxes me!


The gentle shudder of the ship, the slight rocking motion that you also sometimes feel is another thing about cruising that relaxes me. Again I think it’s just the fact that I am always moving, travelling, non-stop. Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe it’s a bad thing but just thinking, I am actually moving, over the ocean towards another exoctic port of call, in a super comfy bed, with everything I could want around me and I don’t have to do anything!


My final point on why I think cruising is relaxing is indeed the smell, whether it’s the sound of coffee in the morning, the strong smell of sea as you open up the balcony door last thing at night or just that general ship smell that we all know so well, isn’t that something familiar that makes us relax even more?

Enjoying a luxury meal, a flutter on the slots, a west end style show blissfully unaware of the mechanical operation that’s underway to get us to our next destination, and keeping us happy – THAT is what cruising is all about for me.

So tell me, what do you really like about cruising? What relaxes you the most?

Happy Cruising!

Ed x

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