Diane's Cruise Delights

100 days to go- Not that I have been counting

Lots of people ask me when the best time to book a cruise is. Such a million dollar question really. 450 days ago I booked mine for this summer and I am now only 100 days away from stepping onboard our first family cruise. Booked at the best price but such an eternity counting every single day with my then 7yr old who will actually be 9yrs when we eventually cruise in August.

Having 3 daughter of various ages ( 17,15 and 9) when we travel, my task is always find something to interest them all. My 17 yr old Abbie is pretty easy going and takes everything in her stride. She is looking forward to Sunbathing her 2 weeks away and sampling the Cherry on the top Sweet shop we have on our Carnival Vista.


Georgia my middle daughter is a completely different story. She has an outfit planned for every day and evening with a spare just in case! I am hoping she will meet some like minded ‘ Grunting’ friends to take her off my hands for a bit of peace. Anyone with girls this age will know what I mean!

My youngest is by far the easiest. Amelia wants to please anyone and everyone and sharing her life with 2 ‘moody’ sisters isn’t always fun so she tends to go with the flow! She is excited about everything and we are aiming to walk a marathon within the first hour of boarding as she ticks off her list of places to explore. She has been watching videos and knows every inch of the ship believe me!

My husband and I have cruised before but our first cruise as a family is really exciting for me as much as the kids.We have planned to do some excursions, but I do feel the girls would rather stay on the ship than trek around old ruins etc. It seems a shame to visit such beautiful places so perhaps we will just have to see what happens on board.

We are all looking forward to this new adventure, seems quite normal for me to be on a ship but will be really strange explaining things around the ship to my girls. I hope they love cruising as much as I do!!


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