Dawn On A Cruise

Christmas is coming and it’s party time

This week I finish work for 2 weeks and during that time I am heading over to the UK for the annual cruise.co.uk Christmas Conference.

This year we are spending 3 nights on board the Fred Olsen Boudicca. I have sailed on Balmoral and Braemar previously, so looking forward to seeing this ship too.

Now, our conferences are about work but we do also get to play. We spend most of the day in conference with updates on the company, how we are performing, great upcoming things for the following year. We also have guests on board from the various cruise lines that we work with, giving us up to date information about the companies and new ventures/ships that are planned for the future.

Conference is 3 long days of information and participation, but great fun too. So after a long day sitting and absorbing lots of information, it then is time for us to party. Last year, we was hosted by Fred Olsen again and we was on a themed cruise for the 70’s and we all participated in fancy dress for the event.

Myself and Gina at last years conference – 70’s baby.. yeah..


This year is no different, although not a themed cruise, our bosses decided we would still have fancy dress night and this is based on the 80’s. Probably one of the worst in my opinion, so it shall be interesting to see the sights of my colleagues in shoulder pads and fluorescent clothing!

I will certainly post some photos of myself and colleagues for your enjoyment on my next blog! I am keeping my costume a secret and will unveil on the night, but I am hoping that myself and partner in crime Alison have been original and are the only ones with this costume idea..

We also get a stop in Dublin, so we shall be docking for a few hours to go and sample the delights of this great city, especially the ‘black stuff’. it’s been about 15 years since I was last there so looking forward to a catch up with the ‘caped crusaders’ from my previous trip.

At the famous gates for the factory in Dublin circa 2001.

So, I am sure my next blog will be full of dodgy photos of cruise.co staff but also some of the ship too as you know I like a photo! and hopefully some exciting news for the future.

until next time

Dawn x


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